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Devolpment and Characterisation of a SD-OCT system for imaging scattering samples

Devolpment and Characterisation of a SD-OCT system for imaging scattering samples

M.Sc. Yilun Su


B.Sc. Olga Molchanova

In this work, the student will further develop our SD-OCT system, including the data acquisition control through Matlab, interference spectra online processing, a dispersion compensation module and a graphic user interface (GUI) for display and easy control. Possible additional task could be implementing a translation stage for scanning the sample in x-y plane. Then the student will characterize the complete system with two objectives respectively in terms of resolution, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), dynamic range and signal drop-off. The resolution will be assessed by a selfmade test target. And finally the student will perform experiments on selfmade samples with different scattering coefficients to test the performance of developed system.