Image Prof Spadea KIT-IBT

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Francesca Spadea

Offene Stellen / Doktorarbeiten
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  Alle Veröffentlichungen, sortiert nach Jahren

          2024  2023  [Alle]

Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen

Journal Articles (6)

A. M. Ponsiglione, P. Zaffino, C. Ricciardi, D. Di Laura, M. F. Spadea, G. De Tommasi, G. Improta, M. Romano, and F. Amato.
Combining simulation models and machine learning in healthcare management: strategies and applications.
In Progress in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 6(2) , pp. 022001, 2024
R. Bumm, P. Zaffino, A. Lasso, R. S. J. Estépar, S. Pieper, J. Wasserthal, M. F. Spadea, T. Latshang, N. Kawel-Boehm, A. Wäckerlin, R. Werner, G. Hässig, M. Furrer, and R. Kikinis.
Artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted chest computer tomography (CT) insights: a study on intensive care unit (ICU) admittance trends in 78 coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients.
In Journal of Thoracic Disease, vol. 16(2) , pp. 1009-1020, 2024
D. Dragone, F. F. Donadio, C. Mirabelli, C. Cosentino, F. Amato, P. Zaffino, M. F. Spadea, D. La Torre, and A. Merola.
Design and Experimental Validation of a 3D-Printed Embedded-Sensing Continuum Robot for Neurosurgery.
In Micromachines, vol. 14(9) , pp. 1743, 2023
L. Tirinato, V. Onesto, D. Garcia-Calderon, F. Pagliari, M.-F. Spadea, J. Seco, and F. Gentile.
Human Cancer Cell Radiation Response Investigated through Topological Analysis of 2D Cell Networks.
In Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 51(8) , pp. 1859-1871, 2023
Z. She, A. Marzullo, M. Destito, M. F. Spadea, R. Leone, N. Anzalone, S. Steffanoni, F. Erbella, A. J. M. Ferreri, G. Ferrigno, T. Calimeri, and E. De Momi.
Deep learning-based overall survival prediction model in patients with rare cancer: a case study for primary central nervous system lymphoma.
In International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol. 18(10) , pp. 1849-1856, 2023
M. Destito, A. Marzullo, R. Leone, P. Zaffino, S. Steffanoni, F. Erbella, F. Calimeri, N. Anzalone, E. De Momi, A. J. M. Ferreri, T. Calimeri, and M. F. Spadea.
Radiomics-Based Machine Learning Model for Predicting Overall and Progression-Free Survival in Rare Cancer: A Case Study for Primary CNS Lymphoma Patients.
In Bioengineering, vol. 10(3) , pp. 285, 2023

Books (1)

P. Zaffino, and M. F. Spadea.
Artificial Intelligence in Medical Image Processing and Segmentation.
MDPI, 2023.

Book Chapters (1)

A. Thummerer, P. Zaffino, M. F. Spadea, A. Knopf, and M. Maspero.
Artificial intelligence to generate synthetic CT for adaptive particle therapy.
In Imaging in Particle Therapy, IOP Publishing, pp. 8-1-8-16, 2024

Conference Contributions (2)

D. Riggio, S. Breschi, A. Peloso, M. F. Spadea, and E. De Momi.
Augmented Reality in Microinvasive Cardiac Surgery: Towards a Training Simulator for Mitral Valve Repair Intervention.
In IEEE RAS EMBS 10th International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics - Heidelberg, 2024
M. Destito, P. Zaffino, J. Sabatino, C. Critelli, A. Qoku, F. Buettner, S. D. Rosa, and M. F. Spadea.
Deep Learning Model for Video-Classification of Echocardiography Images.
In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (MetroXRAINE)(10405547) , pp. 479-483, 2023